Start Westward
Memorial Society
Founded; July 1, 2019
The National Park Service and Mount Rushmore Society recommended we create this nonprofit organization to provide education and private sector support for the Memorial’s custodian, which is currently the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). With this website we explain how the Memorial to the Start Westward of the United States came to be, why it was sculpted from sandstone, its current condition, and solicit your input.
A. To ensure the permanence of the Start Westward Memorial so that it may continue to serve as a symbol of the pioneers who settled Marietta and began the nation’s expansion into the Northwest Territory;
B. To restore, preserve and protect the Start Westward Memorial;
C. To foster, promote and stimulate public knowledge of and interest in the history of the Start Westward Memorial and Marietta;
D. To ensure that no substantial part of the activities of the Corporation shall be to carryon propaganda, to attempt to influence legislation, or to participate or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate or public office;
E. To exercise all powers granted by law and proper to carry out the foregoing purposes, including, but not limited to, the power to accept donations of money, property, whether real or personal, or any other things of value. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to authorize or permit the Corporation to carry on any business for profit, to exercise any power, or do any act that a corporation formed under the Act, or any amendment thereto or substitute therefor, may not at any time lawfully carry or do.
Inez Bowie……………….. Accountant
Angela Burdiss…..……….. Research & Archives
John Dehmlow…………… Secretary
Joe Grimm…….…...….…. President
Peggy Grimm……………. Treasurer
Mike Johnson……………. Engineer
Robin Borglum Kennedy… Development
Joe Tucker………..….…… Vice President
Meetings: 4:00 PM Third Wednesday of every month
Meeting Address: 309 Second St., Marietta, OH 45750
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4071, Marietta, OH 45750